(866) 247-3743
(866) 247-3743
Complete hive includes outer cover, 10 wooden frames with wax coated plastic foundation, screened bottom, mite grid and entrance reducer. Bees not...
View full detailsDrill the hole yourself and use the plug to ventilate and regulate temperature.
Full front zipper and elastic closures on sleeves and ankles keep bees out. Size Extra Large
Full front zipper and elastic closures on sleeves and ankles keep bees out. Size Large
Full front zipper and elastic closures on sleeves and ankles keep bees out. Size Medium
Easy one hand grip helps remove frames from the hive.
Fits 10 Frame Langstroth hive. Prevents the queen from producing brood. Allows worker bees but not the queen to move through the hive
Calms bees when working on the hive. Wire grid protects the user from the heat